Gene Bruno
Mr. Bruno has earned a Master of Health Science degree in Herbal Medicine from the University of New England, a Master of Science degree in Nutrition from HCHS, an Advanced Diploma in Herbal Medicine from the Australian College of Phytotherapy, and has completed doctorate level coursework in online curriculum development through Capella University. He has also working on his Doctor of Health Science degree from HUHS. In addition, Mr. Bruno is Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition (National Association of Nutrition Professionals), and holds certifications as a Nutritional Supplement Formulator (Solid Dosage Training, Inc), an Accrediting Commission Evaluator (DEAC), a Registered Herbalist (American Herbalists Guild), and an Evaluator of Distance Learning Courses for College Credit Recommendations (American Council on Education).
For almost four decades Mr. Bruno has educated and trained healthcare professionals as well as natural product retailers in nutrition and nutraceutical sciences. He has also researched and formulated hundreds of natural products for dozens of dietary supplement companies, for which he has received multiple industry awards. In addition, Mr. Bruno has written and continues to write articles on nutrition, herbal medicine, nutraceuticals and integrative health issues for trade, consumer magazines, and peer-reviewed publications. Most recently, Mr. Bruno authored two textbook chapters: “Sexual Dysfunctions and Nutraceutical Therapy: An examination of Human Research”, for Nutaceuticals and Functional Foods in Human Health and Disease Prevention (2015, CRC Press), and “Pomegranate Juice and Extract”, for Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs (2016, Academic Press).
Mr. Bruno has developed both residential and distance education training programs for dietary supplement retailers, and was previously awarded the Nutrition Business Journal’s award for having developed the best training and customer service program in the natural products industry.